Feedback and complaints

Your voice can make a difference

Feedback and complaints are welcome in all Head to Health services and other organisational areas.

Liverpool Head to Health is delivered by Neami National and funded by South Western Sydney Primary Health Network.

We respond to feedback and complaints directly to resolve issues in a timely manner. We also use the information to improve our services and view feedback and complaints as learning opportunities.

As a Neami service, Liverpool Head to Health adheres to the Neami Feedback and Complaints process.

How to give feedback or make a complaint

You can provide feedback in several ways:

  • Speak directly with your support worker, service manager or State Manager
  • Contact Liverpool Head to Health
  • Call the Neami feedback line on 1300 147 600
  • Contact the Feedback and Complaints team
  • Post a letter to us at:
    Attention: National Complaints Officer
    Neami National
    4-8 Water Road
    Preston VIC, 3072

What to expect from the process

Neami will respond to your feedback or complaint in a fair, timely and unbiased way.

We will receive your feedback or complaint in good faith and you will not be disadvantaged in any way as a result of making a complaint.

Any necessary actions to resolve the issue will be carried out to the best of our ability and we will always work with you to try and find a satisfactory resolution.

Feedback and complaints are treated respectfully and confidentially with the option to remain anonymous.

Neami will acknowledge the receipt of all feedback and complaints within three working days and take action within 10 days if required.

We welcome the use of advocates or support people at any stage of the feedback process.

Submitting a complaint to an external agency

Consumers and carers also have the right to make a complaint about Neami to external agencies and regulators. There are a number of organisations that might be able to receive your complaint.

Contact us

If you have any concerns about providing feedback or making a complaint, please contact The Neami Feedback and Complaints team:



Neami feedback line

1300 147 600

We are here to help,
every day of the week

Liverpool Head to Health is located at 206 Northumberland Street, Liverpool.

Penrith Head to Health is a free service. You can arrive between 1 pm – 9.30 pm (Mon, Wed - Sun), and 1 pm - 5 pm (Tues).

1800 595 212

Refer someone you know

If you know someone who may benefit from visiting Liverpool Head to Health we accept referrals from GPs, mental health services, community services, carers, families and individuals.

Make a referral

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We send out occasional emails with updates and announcements about Penrith Head to Health.

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Feedback and complaints

We welcome feedback and complaints. We respond directly to resolve issues in a timely manner and use feedback to improve our services.