16 Scaturchio Street, Casuarina
You can arrive between Monday to Friday 10 am - 10 pm and weekends 12 pm Midday to 8 pm.
Our team will work with you to understand what will help right now, and then if needed, the right support for later.
Using a combination of peer-led recovery and on-site clinical support, we provide:
Designed in collaboration with the Darwin community and the Traditional Owners, Larrakia Nation, Darwin Head to Health offers a welcoming place to help everyone feel safe and accepted.
The service adheres to the principles of the Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Declaration and will work with our partners, the Larrakia Nation in the delivery of services to ensure culturally safe services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Many of our staff have experienced a mental health and wellbeing challenges themselves and understand what you might be going through.
Our lived experience staff work alongside the clinical team, offering support from your arrival all the way to when you are ready to leave.
We provide immediate help to reduce distress and support you through a crisis, including on-site clinical services.
Our recovery-focused approach helps to understand your needs and provide you with the right support for now and connect you with on going support for later.
Drawing from leading international research, we focus on what works to support people in a mental health crisis.
With a long history of providing complex recovery-based support, we take a person-centred approach to match your support with your needs.
Caring, friendly and helpful mental health and wellbeing support in a calm, safe, and welcoming environment.